Products & Services

Educational Tools

Development and provision of various educational tools with the purpose of inspiring and assisting more professionals to engage in shelter and settlements sectors in the humanitarian and development contexts in service of improving the living conditions of the disadvantaged communities.

Diagnostic Research

Serving disadvantaged communities would not be possible without making additional efforts to understand better challenges and their root causes. Diagnostic research provides the necessary insights to  ensure creation of purposeful, effective products and services that would respond the actual needs of the targeted communities.

Product  Development

Research and development (R&D) processes are applied towards creating new products, improving existing products, developing new or streamlining existing processes. Workable solutions are developed and field tested following multiple phases such as strategy and planning, research, development, testing, and launch.

consultancy services

Consultancy and partnership projects within the humanitarian and development sectors together with relevant institutions and organizations working on related projects and sharing similar vision and values.